A9 Amazon books, Live results |
Abbreviations For abbreviations |
Abcsearchengine Index based, fairly small |
About Lots of articles on lots of things |
Accoona Excellent for news, good for focussed searching |
Acronymfinder Find acronyms |
Aftervote Social search engine |
Ajaxwhois Great for site statistics searches |
Alexa Good for background information on a site |
AllPlus Good meta engine, lots of options |
Alltheweb Part of the Yahoo family |
Altavista Oldie, but still a goodie, suprising enough |
Answers Good for factual information |
AOL Search Google in a different guise |
Archive, Internet Good for older versions of a site |
Ask One of the big four |
Azoos Painfully bright yellow index engine |
Beaucoup Index based, not impressed |
Better Who Is Information about a website owner etc |
Blinkx Multimedia search engine |
Brainboost Part of the Answers family |
Buzzle Index based, not impressed |
ChaCha Search with a human guide |
Clusty Good all rounder |
Collarity Personalised search engine. Very good. |
Complete Planet Excellent for hidden/invisible web |
Convert To convert from one to another |
Country Search Engines 4,000 country search engines |
Definitions Good for various definitions |
Digital-librarian Collection of links from a librarian |
DMOZ (Open Directory Project) Good index/directory |
Dogpile Multisearch GYMA |
Draze Compare GYM on one screen |
Ebingbong Social search, lets users rate results. |
Eurekster Good for building your own engine |
ExaleadSuperb functionality, good advanced options |
ExciteDoes anyone still use that any more? |
Factbites Factual information |
FaganFinder Superb collection of engines |
Fazzle Good all round meta search engine |
Findsounds Audio/sound search engine |
FinQoo Multi search engine, doesn't say what the sources are |
Freesearch UK based engine, global scope |
Galaxy Index based |
Google Do I need to say anything about this one? |
Google Blogsearch Best blog search engine going |
Google Directory Same as DMOZ |
Google Groups Good for obscure information |
Google Images Yahoo image search is superior |
Google Local Local to the UK that is. |
Google News Adequate. Good for email alerts |
Google Personalised Tailor results to your interests |
Google Scholar Good(ish) for academic stuff |
Google Trends Who is looking for what? |
Healia Excellent medical search engine |
Hotbot Blast from the past! |
IAF People search Searches for people! US biased. |
iBoogie Multi search engine, strong on clustering |
Icerocket Good for blog searching |
Illumirate Index based |
InfoMine For scholarly internet resource collections |
Infopeople People search |
Infoservice Index based, bizarre collection of headings |
Intute Superb directory, very authoritative |
Irazoo Social search engine, vote for results |
Ixquick Excellent meta search engine |
Jayde Business to business |
Jux2 Excellent meta search & compare results |
Kartoo Visual search engine, good reputation |
Kazazz Free text search engine, not particularly exciting |
KidsclickChildren's search engine |
Librarians Internet Index Superb resource |
Linkopedia Index based, not exciting |
Live Search One of the big 4 |
Lycos Almost lost in the midst of time, but still trying |
Mahalo Social search engine, some like it, I don't |
MammaMulti meta search engine that's been around for years |
Mastersite Calls itself #1 though I can't work out why |
Metacrawler Meta search engine |
Monstercrawler Meta search engine |
Mooter Visual search engine |
MsDewey Microsoft folly; annoying and pointless |
Oaister Emphasis on hidden web academic material |
Omnimedicalsearch Excellent medical search engine |
Peerbot Very unusual engine, as it searches for favicons |
Pepesearch Does not stand out |
Pinakes Superb collection of Virtual Libraries |
Questfinder Selective web directory |
Quotations for Quotations |
Quintura First rate, uses clouds of terms. Recommended |
RedZee Visual search. Awful. Used to be excellent |
References Good all round resource |
Re-quest Index/Directory web search engine |
Scandoo accurately indicates a level of trustworthiness |
Scirus Scientific search of web and selected journals |
Scrubtheweb Nothing to recommend it |
Search-beat Uses Google's database |
Searchbug Search for people and companies in the US |
Search.com Metasearch engine |
Searchhippo Metasearch engine, unimpressed |
Searchy Personalised search |
Searchmash Google test bed |
Search Medica Excellent medical search engine |
Searchthe.net Meta search engine |
Searchtheweb Index/Directory |
Selectsurf Selective web directory |
Similicio.us Find similar sites |
Silobreaker Superb news resource |
Slider Full text search engine that searches DMOZ |
Smartlinks Index/Directory |
SMEALSearch Academic authoritative content |
Sproose Social search engine |
Sunsteam Index/Directory |
Supercrawler Index/Directory |
Synonyms Good reference resource |
Technorati Excellent weblog search engine |
Thenet1 Index/Directory |
Thunderstone Index/Directory |
Trooker Superb video search engine |
Turbo 10 Great for hidden/invisible web |
TurboScout Very good multi search engine |
Ujiko Visual search engine |
Zip codes Information about US zip code areas |
Web Brain Visual search engine |
Webcrawler Meta search engine for GYMA |
Web-search Meta search engine, one at a time |
Webworldindex Index/Directory |
Whatuseek Web/Index based, not worth the trouble |
Windseek Meta search engine |
WWW Virtual Library Second only to Pinakes |
Yahoo! One of the big 4 |
Yahoo Buzz What's going on? |
Yahoo Directory Yahoo as it used to be |
Yahooligans For children |
Yahoo Local Local information |
Yahoo Mindset Emphasis research or shopping |
YouTube Video engine. Use Trooker instead |
Zapmeta Allows for various methods of re-ranking |
Zensearch Uses the Google database |
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